Moments That Matter is a photography and short story project inspired by people and safety, made by Absolute Safety. We believe that safety is about more than saving money or finishing a project, it’s about the people that get to come home. We created this site to tell the stories of the people that have a reason to stay safe. With pictures, videos, and quotes from real workers out on the job site, we aim to show the world what safety really means. Hopefully, by reading these stories, we will be inspired to stay safe in our own lives and remember the real reasons we work and live with safety. Please enjoy these stories, and remember them next time you are considering the safety of yourself or others. Feel free to reach out to Absolute Safety if you’d like to share your story or have any questions about safety.
Latest Stories:
”I have my son, he's very emotional. He loves to show it. He's very lovable.”
“My crew and I were working one day when a guy walks up to us and stops the job.”
“I was on top of the scaffold and my partner was working, and well, I wasn't paying attention.”
“People don't really like to have safety meetings, truthfully.”
John “Puma” Smith
“They call me Puma and they call my son Little Puma. Everywhere he goes in construction they say, we know your daddy and we know he’s safety conscious.”
Jairo Aguilar
“They had an air duct, and were working with a beam, and he didn’t tell the other guy when he was about to move that beam.”
Lauren Brizendine
“I recently had the opportunity to take my marketing and design job in safety apparel to the extreme by climbing up a wind turbine as part of a research and development trip.”
Rebecca Bedell
“About 6 months ago I was in a car accident. It was an accident most people don’t walk away from. But, I walked away with only a bruise.”
Chris schwing
“My dad, while close to having tears in his eyes, said “I hope my friend David’s kid didn’t say that to him before he left his house.” I remember my heart dropping and running to my bedroom and just crying.”
Hunter morgan
“I’ll never forget my 15th birthday, my dad got me flying lessons. I even got to do the take-off.”
Jimmy Schwing
“Two young girls stand aside their father’s casket, longing to understand why this was happening. Why didn’t he make it home that day? How did this happen to them?”
Dustin Boudreaux
“This was somewhere 15 years ago, and we had done everything that we had to do to set the job up correctly. We followed all the procedures. We prepped everything.”
We’d love to hear your story!
This site is operated by Absolute Safety, a safety company that believes that safety culture is an evolving and ongoing process, and that real people and their stories are what safety is all about. Please reach out to us if you’d like to share your story and help make the world a little safer.
If this site has inspired you or your business to work more safely, please reach out to us for training, consulting, personnel, or other safety needs.
If it helps even one person, isn’t it worth sharing your story?